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Setup an Environment

Environment is a powerful component that allows you to quickly build out landscape and atmosphere for your scene. You do not have to use it, but is an easy way to get started and comes included in dlux!


A-Frame Environments


In a dlux A-Frame scene:

  1. Open the inspector by pressing ctl-alt-i
  2. Select the "env" entity in the left side-bar

Select a-entity env

  1. Start with a preset you like, and customize it in right side-bar
  2. When you're happy with it, click the Save button in the left side-bar

Environment Customization Options

  • active turns the entire component on or off
  • dressing changes the shape of the dressing objects (trees, pyramids, etc). You can further customize the amount, color, scale, and variance.
  • flatShading changes the rendered appearance
  • fog adds atmosphere
  • grid appears on the floor and can be helpful for layout and design, choose any color.
  • ground changes the way the geometry of the ground in the distance. Customize the color and texture style to change how the ground is rendered.
  • horizonColor adjusts the color of the horizon, and the position and type of light can be customized floor appearance, colors, sky type, and lighting.
  • preset fills all values with those defined by the preset
  • skyColor adjusts the color of the sky, it's type can be set to color, gradient, or atmosphere.

Working with the code

You can work with the code directly in Glitch.

Built In

Environment is built in to dlux boiler plates, select a preset and modify this line:

<a-entity id="env" environment="preset: forest"></a-entity>


Install A-Frame Environment Component by Diego Goberna (GitHub Source)


<script src=""></script>



Change the environment to any of the predefined ones


<a-entity id="env" environment="preset: forest"></a-entity>
