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Trolls control the bridges. Trole does that based on hive role.

Trole is a reverse proxy that verifies a structed message is signed by a valid Hive posting or active key before bridging to a service.

This implemtation of Trole controls upload access to decentralized IPFS nodes on the SPK Network and a few other things. It has an install script that will help you install all compoent software of SPK Network based on your account.


Place between your IPFS gateway and the internet.

Simple SPK Storage Node

You'll need Docker - Get Docker

Next, copy env.sample to .env and write your spknetwork hive account and active key in the coppied file.

Now run the build and up

docker-compose build

docker-compose up -d

If you make any changes ensure you run docker-compose down before up to reset the IPFS healthchecks.

Some Users have had issues with the docker network with the above configuration. They have had success with docker-host.yml which you can run with the following command.

  • docker-compose build -f docker-host.yml
  • docker-compose up -d -f docker-host.yml

You can view the status of your containers with the following

  • docker-compose logs -f --tail="200"
    • -f => follow (live view)
    • --tail="History Lines" with out this it will show everything in the current cycle, may overwhelm.

More documentation will follow. Follow spknetwork, disregardfiat, and nathansenn on hive.

Simple Full


  • non-root account on Debian/Ubuntu(20.04 or higher) with snap support.
  • a domain name pointed to this server

Clone Repo:

git clone

Change Directory cd trole

Next, copy env.sample to .env and write your spknetwork hive account and active key in the coppied file.

Run Install Script ./

Follow instructions


For SPK Network testing the simple full is the only officially supported install. But any contributions you'd like to make in documentation or testing are always welcome.


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